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by aspTrader
Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:48 am
Forum: NeoTicker platform
Topic: My concern adopting Neoticker
Replies: 6
Views: 6597
Gender: None specified

Re: My concern adopting Neoticker

Before I take the plunge again I wanted to air one concern. Lack of public domain indicators and code fragments. I guess we are spoilt with tradestation in this regard. Just look at Avery's prolific contribution. If I want to implement something chances are there is an indicator somewhere I can pla...
by aspTrader
Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:04 pm
Forum: aspTrader's NeoTicker webinars
Topic: June 9 : Enhancing Trader Performance Book Discussion
Replies: 0
Views: 5141
Gender: None specified

June 9 : Enhancing Trader Performance Book Discussion

[align=center] Dr. Brett Steenbarger on his new book: online discussion [/align] Among the more interesting and inspiring books to appear about trading recently is Dr. Brett Steenbarger's book, Enhancing Trader Performance . A few ...
by aspTrader
Mon May 07, 2007 6:22 pm
Forum: NeoTicker platform
Topic: Completely Lost - NeoTicker Newbies
Replies: 22
Views: 31224
Gender: None specified

I have been using NeoTicker now for a couple of years. It was a very tough go for me in several ways and I've often wondered why it was so tough and why it is so tough for others. I've come up with a couple of ideas about why. The common complaint, with which I agree 100% and disagree at the same ti...
by aspTrader
Fri May 04, 2007 11:23 am
Forum: aspTrader's NeoTicker webinars
Topic: Enhancing Trader Performance with Brett Steenbarger
Replies: 1
Views: 5744
Gender: None specified

See my post at the link below for more background on the session with Dr. Brett Steenbarger this Sunday... ... #post14351
by aspTrader
Wed May 02, 2007 4:09 pm
Forum: aspTrader's NeoTicker webinars
Topic: Enhancing Trader Performance with Brett Steenbarger
Replies: 1
Views: 5744
Gender: None specified

Enhancing Trader Performance with Brett Steenbarger

Dr. Brett Steebarger will be presenting about topics in his new book Enhancing Trader Performance this Sunday...

Here's a link for registration. ... rader.html
by aspTrader
Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:48 am
Forum: NeoTicker platform
Topic: Use On two computers at different times
Replies: 8
Views: 13609
Gender: None specified

Yep I second that. I use to enter and exit trades on a second computer occasionally and it's pretty reliable as long as your main computer is up and running 24/7. I was a long time user of I then found and switched. beats GoToMyPC hands down IMO. Y...
by aspTrader
Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:44 pm
Forum: brokers
Topic: Coding for an API
Replies: 32
Views: 24590
Gender: None specified

A reliable and worthy configuration IMO... - CME Futures Contracts on the Cash Forex (what good is the increased leverage of forex if you can't rely on the feed and have to continually struggle with indicator calculation and other issues?) - NeoTicker - eSignal (for historical data and to supplement...
by aspTrader
Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:29 am
Forum: aspTrader's NeoTicker webinars
Topic: Instrument Tradability II
Replies: 0
Views: 4946
Gender: None specified

Instrument Tradability II

We completed the work on Managed Series during the Managed Series VIII webinar including the creation of an indicator that provided for altering the Managed Series bar types real time. A few months ago, we had a webinar session during which we brainstormed about the factors that might make one symbo...
by aspTrader
Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:05 am
Forum: C# coding for NeoTicker
Topic: class level variables as an alternative to pheap
Replies: 10
Views: 16573
Gender: None specified

I must admit that at the time I started this thread my understanding of this subject was incomplete. There are further issues with using application level variables, namely that they will cause conflicts among multiple charts as all the variables are shared between them. I think that Michal has act...
by aspTrader
Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:18 am
Forum: aspTrader's NeoTicker webinars
Topic: Merlin Presents his IDL Code Framework for Delphi
Replies: 5
Views: 7940
Gender: None specified

TheRumpledOne wrote:Is this the same Merlin from FF who banned me from his forum?


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