Kaufman Volatility indicator is a VertexFX client-side indicator script that provides a measure of volatility and in identifying the current stage of the market.
This indicator was designed by Perry Kaufman and is used in combination with other indicators to estimate stop-loss and volatility characteristics of the market.
When the market is in a consolidation phase, the Kaufman Volatility indicator is dropping in value. On the contrary, when the market is trending strongly (either bullish or bearish) the Kaufman Volatility indicator is rising. It does not provide us with the direction of the trend, but only the strength of the trend.
Kauffman Volatality VertexFX Indicator
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Kauffman Volatality VertexFX Indicator
- Attachments
- 6 kauffman.png (28.11 KiB) Viewed 4318 times
6 Kaufman_Volatility.zip
- (4.01 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
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Re: Kauffman Volatality VertexFX Indicator
How do you install this indicator? Is this for MT4?
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- LeMercenaire
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Re: Kauffman Volatality VertexFX Indicator
verdesolution wrote:Kaufman Volatility indicator is a VertexFX client-side indicator script that provides a measure of volatility and in identifying the current stage of the market.
This indicator was designed by Perry Kaufman and is used in combination with other indicators to estimate stop-loss and volatility characteristics of the market.
When the market is in a consolidation phase, the Kaufman Volatility indicator is dropping in value. On the contrary, when the market is trending strongly (either bullish or bearish) the Kaufman Volatility indicator is rising. It does not provide us with the direction of the trend, but only the strength of the trend.
Good indi for showing when a good time to set a consolidation box. Or you could just look at the screen

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