NeoTicker Development with C# Webinar

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NeoTicker Development with C# Webinar

Postby aspTrader » Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:49 pm

NeoTicker forum member Luke has done some NeoTicker indicator and system development work in C#. During this webinar, Luke will explain a bit about what he's done and how the C# indicator works. The indicator he's developed is TRO's Evaluator indicator....

More info here.

Note... Over a period of years, I have put together lots of trading related content and haven't had a site at which all of it was posted. Now I do... at the link above. The content structure isn't up to where I want it yet but I'm getting closer.

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Postby michal.kreslik » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:26 am

Cool. I'll definitely attend. Thanks for arranging the meeting, aspTrader.

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