AutoForksRT 2.0 Demonstration

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AutoForksRT 2.0 Demonstration

Postby aspTrader » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:30 pm

Tim Morge and his MarketGeometrics team has developed an add-on for NeoTicker for using Median Lines (also known as Andrews Pitchforks) for trading. This add-on will be released for 30 day free trials sometime next week.

I'm proud to be on the team.

On Monday August 14, 2006 I will demonstrate this NeoTicker add-on in a 90 minute webinar. For those who have further comments and question, I'd be pleased to stay online for discussion as long as anyone wants to.

A few chart snapshots are attached that illustrate the use of AutoForksRtT with NeoTicker.

AutoForksRT 2.0 Demonstration Webinar
Monday, August 14, 2006
1:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time - Currently GMT -7

If you're interested in this technique or you just want to see what a NeoTicker add-on might look like, you can register at the link below. You will receive Webinar connection information by registering at that link.

2006-08-10 6E Aug9and10 #4.GIF
2006-08-10 6E Aug9and10 #4.GIF (36.95 KiB) Viewed 3881 times
2006-08-04 AB 60 Min.GIF
2006-08-04 AB 60 Min.GIF (22.38 KiB) Viewed 3881 times

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Postby michal.kreslik » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:40 pm

The screenshots look impressive.

Is there any listing of available NeoTicker's addons, Steven?

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