The ideas that I trade by:

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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kiwiarian » Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:24 pm

kate682 wrote:space - the final frontier :-)

space 2.JPG

Is that the Fib tool you are using to draw up your lines?

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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kate682 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:40 am

Yes the fibo tool, mt4 set as follows

level / description
0 0
0.1 10
0.2 9
0.3 8
0.4 7
0.5 6
0.6 5
0.7 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
1 1
1.25 1st Target
1.5 2nd Target

So i drag level 5 to my extreme, and range it to encompass 'whatever's', and use the zones as sizing for my m1/m5 trading. zone 4 upwards, i do the same, but my sizing increases as there's more of a chance for a 'thing' to happen. :-)
risk zone dow.JPG
risk zone dow.JPG (76.77 KiB) Viewed 13808 times
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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby aliassmith » Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:20 am

kate682 wrote:Yes the fibo tool, mt4 set as follows

level / description
0 0
0.1 10
0.2 9
0.3 8
0.4 7
0.5 6
0.6 5
0.7 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
1 1
1.25 1st Target
1.5 2nd Target

So i drag level 5 to my extreme, and range it to encompass 'whatever's', and use the zones as sizing for my m1/m5 trading. zone 4 upwards, i do the same, but my sizing increases as there's more of a chance for a 'thing' to happen. :-)

Do you know because you remember it or do you use it day to day?
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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kiwiarian » Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:08 am

kate682 wrote:Yes the fibo tool, mt4 set as follows

level / description
0 0
0.1 10
0.2 9
0.3 8
0.4 7
0.5 6
0.6 5
0.7 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
1 1
1.25 1st Target
1.5 2nd Target

So i drag level 5 to my extreme, and range it to encompass 'whatever's', and use the zones as sizing for my m1/m5 trading. zone 4 upwards, i do the same, but my sizing increases as there's more of a chance for a 'thing' to happen. :-)

Thats really great, thank you. I like how you set the zones up on the HTF, then trade on the m1/5, I was playing with mine on the same time frame which I don't think is as useful and probably not the correct way to use it.
I read somewhere that Bredin used to start off with 1/10 sizing then add the other 9/10 a bit later, probably similar to your zone 4 strategy.
When price goes against you over one of your lines, will you shed some lots when a 4hr has closed over it or use the lower timeframe candles to react too?
Hopefully I have this right,
1. You enter at line 1,
2. It then goes against you at line 2 , so you close a partial size and move your position/space out a bit more, which increases the line spacing as well, keeping same overall risk(- cost of closing)
3. If we dont go up past line 3, but decide to go back down past line 2 and close under it, add back some size here,
reducing our space and line spacing, same initial risk.

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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby Mark Mark » Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:32 am

kate682 wrote:Yes the fibo tool, mt4 set as follows

level / description
0 0
0.1 10
0.2 9
0.3 8
0.4 7
0.5 6
0.6 5
0.7 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
1 1
1.25 1st Target
1.5 2nd Target

So i drag level 5 to my extreme, and range it to encompass 'whatever's', and use the zones as sizing for my m1/m5 trading. zone 4 upwards, i do the same, but my sizing increases as there's more of a chance for a 'thing' to happen. :-)

I need to screen this. Its a golden nugget of Money Management

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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kate682 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:06 pm

To the above questions, i use the 'zones' between the lines for my sizing, the zones can either be in 100 increments or 20% adr30, depending on how close to an extreme price is. I trade one direction only so that works for me, but make money either direction as i lock in trades to extend space and therefore upsize. Example, trading price action on a 1 or 5min chart within striking distance (either side) of an h4 extreme for me is high probability, so my position sizing is higher, than say, trading same price action but 6 zones away from an h4 (daily/weekly/monthly) extreme. My trading is simplicity in itself, i trade tops become bottoms, bottoms become tops thats all. (ie 5min bottoms become tops, traded via price action on m1, marked out, going from zone to zone. If an array isn't working out, i'll lock it in and go up a tf. I use 20% of 30adr as a guide as too arrays. I daytrade cash price, but use contract for positional trades. The contract is more of a enter & leave till another extreme, using the cash price to 'dance' around this entry.
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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kate682 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:57 pm

WS30_SBDaily.png (41.48 KiB) Viewed 13544 times
additional :- there are many ways of using the fibo tool, another way i use is

0 = HTF Extreme
1 = HTF Extreme
0.1 = 1
0.2 = 2
0.3 = 3
0.4 = 4
0.5 = Halfway between extremes
0.6 = 4
0.7 = 3
0.8 = 2
0.9 = 1
1.2 = shaft out 1
-0.2 = shaft out 1
1.4 = shaft out 2
-0.4 = shaft out 2

Place the fibo tool between 2 htf points (h4, daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Example - WS30 daily
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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby BambinoFlex » Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:49 pm

kate682 wrote:WS30_SBDaily.pngadditional :- there are many ways of using the fibo tool, another way i use is

0 = HTF Extreme
1 = HTF Extreme
0.1 = 1
0.2 = 2
0.3 = 3
0.4 = 4
0.5 = Halfway between extremes
0.6 = 4
0.7 = 3
0.8 = 2
0.9 = 1
1.2 = shaft out 1
-0.2 = shaft out 1
1.4 = shaft out 2
-0.4 = shaft out 2

Place the fibo tool between 2 htf points (h4, daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Example - WS30 daily

This is giving me some ideas lol
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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kiwiarian » Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:04 pm

BambinoFlex wrote:
kate682 wrote:WS30_SBDaily.pngadditional :- there are many ways of using the fibo tool, another way i use is

0 = HTF Extreme
1 = HTF Extreme
0.1 = 1
0.2 = 2
0.3 = 3
0.4 = 4
0.5 = Halfway between extremes
0.6 = 4
0.7 = 3
0.8 = 2
0.9 = 1
1.2 = shaft out 1
-0.2 = shaft out 1
1.4 = shaft out 2
-0.4 = shaft out 2

Place the fibo tool between 2 htf points (h4, daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Example - WS30 daily

This is giving me some ideas lol

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Re: The ideas that I trade by:

Postby kate682 » Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:19 am

Dow (WS30) & Dax (GER40) futures.
So many ways to trade these.

WS30-H23SBDaily.png (53.25 KiB) Viewed 13434 times

GER40_SBDaily.png (50.55 KiB) Viewed 13434 times
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