Use On two computers at different times

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Use On two computers at different times

Postby jstockman » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:57 pm


I was all set to buy the Neo. I am blessed with the type of job where I can trade during office hours. Therefore, I need to load the softare on both computer one at home and one at work. I called sales today and they said I need to by two licenses.

What is the solution. I am not using the software on two computers simutanteiously?
Last edited by jstockman on Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Daytime_trader » Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:47 pm

There are a number of programs that let you access one computer from another. is one, and there are several others. I use this to watch my home based main trading computer while at the office, however, I have not taken any live trades this way, but I do sim trading this way all the time.

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Postby eudamonia » Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:05 am

Yep I second that. I use to enter and exit trades on a second computer occasionally and it's pretty reliable as long as your main computer is up and running 24/7.
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Postby aspTrader » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:48 am

eudamonia wrote:Yep I second that. I use to enter and exit trades on a second computer occasionally and it's pretty reliable as long as your main computer is up and running 24/7.

I was a long time user of I then found and switched. beats GoToMyPC hands down IMO. You owe it to yourself to check it out.

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Multiple Installs

Postby Hamlet » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:24 am

Lawrence Chan has posted that you can use Neoticker on two computers at different times by taking the usb key with you. This was a few years ago however, maybe they changed their policy? ... post256038
05-16-03 12:10 PM

"You can lease NeoTicker at $50/month per node.

Or the price you've quoted for one permanent license.

You can install to both computers and take the USB key with you whenever you need to use NeoTicker on a particular machine.

For more details check out the order options on our site "


Quote from pretzel:

I just visited your website. Do I have to pay $1297 + $997 if I want to install the software on a desktop and a notebook?


Lawrence Chan
TickQuest NeoTicker
NeoTicker Blog ... post256038

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Re: Multiple Installs

Postby jstockman » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:53 pm

Hamlet wrote:Lawrence Chan has posted that you can use Neoticker on two computers at different times by taking the usb key with you. This was a few years ago however, maybe they changed their policy? ... post256038
05-16-03 12:10 PM

"You can lease NeoTicker at $50/month per node.

Or the price you've quoted for one permanent license.

You can install to both computers and take the USB key with you whenever you need to use NeoTicker on a particular machine.

For more details check out the order options on our site "


Quote from pretzel:

I just visited your website. Do I have to pay $1297 + $997 if I want to install the software on a desktop and a notebook?


Lawrence Chan
TickQuest NeoTicker
NeoTicker Blog ... post256038


The Key is the KEY. Just take with you and insert into your current computer USB and it works fine.


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NeoTicker Clash?

Postby TickJob » Sat May 19, 2007 10:00 am

I just download and install it on my notebook(xp) and desktop(win2000). Both seem to clash after a few seconds of operation, all the NeoTicker windows just disappear without any error message. What is the problem?
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Postby TickJob » Sat May 19, 2007 11:49 am

I install in another desktop computer(3th one), it does not clash but can't see chart plotting. :shock:
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Postby brwkem » Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:45 pm

Any update on this topic?
I would like to trade both equities and forex using neoticker but it doesnt seem possible.
Cant have two copies of neoticker running on same computer at the same time.

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