Forex Trading in Trade Station

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Forex Trading in Trade Station

Postby geff » Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:13 am

After waiting for YEARS for this...

I am about to beta test Trade Station 8.3. It bypasses the FX Trader platform and allows Forex trading directly from Trade Station and should therefore allow automated trading.

A few helpful features:
You can now have rollovers calculated into backtests.

You can select the dollar value or the foreign currency value in the performance summary.

You can change the lot size.

The full list of 8.3 features is here: ... _0830.shtm

I'll let you know how it goes.

Jeff in L.A.

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Postby TheRumpledOne » Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:19 pm

Do you get to choose your broker?

That's the question!!

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Postby Luischile » Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:10 pm

I agree that what really make the difference is the broker I have an acc with fxtrader/Gain Capital and I can say there palatform is really bad, my comparison is with Interbank that I also have an account. I understand that Interbank may no be the best but that is what I know.
I don't know if Tradestation will be a link to the FXtrader or you are going to use tradestation for everything that goes into trading.

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Postby geff » Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:37 pm

Avery, nope - it's still GAIN. Not good for scalping. But for longer term, larger targets, the "deal desk" issues diminish.

Luis, it's not a link to FXTrader - you place orders directly from TS8.3 (manually or automated).

TS has an Order Bar window with Equities, Options, Futures and Forex tabs. The Forex tab is now functional.


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Postby geff » Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:46 pm

Regarding Lot Size:

There are addtional commands regarding non-standard lot size and big point values.

However, in Stratergy Properties, it won't accept a non-integer for the Trade size (ex: .1 for a mini-lot).


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Postby geff » Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:55 pm

It seems a "1" now equals a mini-lot and "10" is a full lot - much more flexible this way.

I don't know if this is a global default or if it's picking up on my personal lot-size with GAIN...

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