You are right no matter which path you choose because only action can lead to the desired result.
The act of filtering and confirming suggests that you have the ability to affect the outcome when in reality you can
only control what is risked and how a trade is managed.
Accepting that you know nothing and that you can only deal with the results of every action should give you the courage to
act with conviction because no matter the choice it was just as good as any other.
Rise of the Silent Ones
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Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
"Everything Should Be Made As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler!"
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Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
But how does that mesh with the idea of having an "edge " ?
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
IgazI wrote:You are right no matter which path you choose because only action can lead to the desired result.
The act of filtering and confirming suggests that you have the ability to affect the outcome when in reality you can
only control what is risked and how a trade is managed.
Accepting that you know nothing and that you can only deal with the results of every action should give you the courage to
act with conviction because no matter the choice it was just as good as any other.
Its a funny thing, control. As human being we are programmed to control every aspect of our lives. Whether its controlling ourselves, environment or other people we strive to always to be 'in control'. Place a man in a unfamiliar environment and acutely observe his behavior.
Life is energy, We are energy. We constantly project our energy. You guys now I love seeking examples in people's driving habits. I'll give personal example.
I am driving along one day. Its nice and sunny out , not much on the mind other than driving..focus on the road yada yada. I see a big tracker trailer in front of me, going quite slow. So I decide to pass this dude on the left. I give my turn signal, and look in the left rear view. I see a car about 2 car lengths away . I think and decide, ok the car is far enough from me so its safe to switch lane. As soon I switch, I notice the car right behind me with the horn blaring Beeeeeep! Now the first thought I have is of confusion. Why are you beeping & why the hell are you right behind me when you were comfortably cruising along just a second ago? After a few more seconds I start to become furious. Now if you know me , you know I am generally a pretty mellow guy & and it takes alot to really push me to 'over the edge'. I felt my blood boiling at this point. There were a few options in regards to my action, available at the time. Most would of proved to disastrous considering I was on the road, If I let my emotions run wild. I did 2 things:
1. Slow down at least 5 mph below speed limit. Why? Just to piss this person (she) off & to reflect a bit.
2. While I was reflecting (As she was passing me by , and who knows what type of profanity was being discharged from her vocal cords) I thought about energy. We are all energy. In the heated moment earlier, I was literally Feeling Her Energy & not my own. Hence the my initial confusion. I knew there was no reason for me to get upset,because I made a move fair and square. In her eyes, it really wasn't fair and I guess she thought I was taking advantage by cutting her off. Or it could a slew of other things she was going through and decided to project her emotions on to me.
That is why when people say he/she is negative, they actually mean I literally feel his/her negative energy. This is very important point to drive home. As most people don't realize how critical this to their lives & how their actions are quite literally Controlled by others.
-Leo out.
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
dchappy wrote:But how does that mesh with the idea of having an "edge " ?
My view Dc,
Edge is a illusion. You see if every single participant in the market believed in certain direction. Then that is an edge. You're edge is different from my edge, mines from IgazI, Igazi's from John Doe's. Edges can disappear in the moments notice. Why? Not because the markets changes, but you change. You change on a daily basis. The biggest fallacy is that people believe they are the same person from a day ago. Your are one day older, and your body has gone through various physiological changes. Your perspective can change, which may or may not work in your favor.
All that you can do it is live moment to moment based on your current understanding, dot your I's and cross your T's and just hope all works out. The fact that you are giving up complete control makes you profitable, while the average trader (person) is unwilling and holds dearly to discovering a lasting edge in the markets.
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
dchappy wrote:But how does that mesh with the idea of having an "edge " ?
Your edge is not with yourself but with the beast; for whither he goes the money follows.
The fractal is the path and the choice is an illusion; for whither he goes the money follows.
If price were going up then it would have higher highs and higher closes and higher opens and higher lows
&, just as there can be no uptrend on lower charts when price is making new highs, price cannot be 'below'
if everything is above it:
Believe what you want, but trade what you see.
"Everything Should Be Made As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler!"
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Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
IgazI wrote:dchappy wrote:But how does that mesh with the idea of having an "edge " ?
Your edge is not with yourself but with the beast; for whither he goes the money follows.
The fractal is the path and the choice is an illusion; for whither he goes the money follows.
If price were going up then it would have higher highs and higher closes and higher opens and higher lows
&, just as there can be no uptrend on lower charts when price is making new highs, price cannot be 'below'
if everything is above it:
Believe what you want, but trade what you see.
Nice, me ’likey’ (smiles).
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
Well, we all trade our own belief systems ..If you believe that the market is totally random ,then you may have a hard time finding an edge ..If you believe that the market moves in a set of patterns , then that can become a very dependable edge yes ...we must trade what we see ( believe )...
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Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
dchappy wrote:Well, we all trade our own belief systems ..If you believe that the market is totally random ,then you may have a hard time finding an edge ..If you believe that the market moves in a set of patterns , then that can become a very dependable edge yes ...we must trade what we see ( believe )...
Chaos is not randomness, it is apparent randomness with a higher purpose; it is called 'chaos' for lack of a better description.
I don't know where the market is going and I don't pretend to know.
I can measure it with fractals, I can see how far it has moved in the past, and I know when price is above or below a line based on 4 data points.
One does not need to 'find an edge': if you do things in accordance with the natural order then you have an edge, if you know 'better' then that edge is diminished, and if you try to fight the current then you simply drown:
"Everything Should Be Made As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler!"
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
I think we are on the same page ..I wasn't saying that chaos is the same as random .My point was that there are patterns in the market which repeat ( I believe ).And other traders will say that there is no such thing ..the market is totally random ....btw .I took Bill's course in the. ..mid 90's ,He is about the best Elliott wave theorist that I know of ...
Re: Rise of the Silent Ones
dchappy wrote:I think we are on the same page ..I wasn't saying that chaos is the same as random .My point was that there are patterns in the market which repeat ( I believe ).And other traders will say that there is no such thing ..the market is totally random ....btw .I took Bill's course in the. ..mid 90's ,He is about the best Elliott wave theorist that I know of ...
Mid 90s. How many years have you been trading dchappy? How long did it take you to Believe that you can money from such simple setups like you have now?
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