Space Traveller :-)

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby westcountry » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:47 am

Hi Laksh,

This is a really great thread you started. Thanks for sharing your journey here. All the best to you.

(and about the SuperBowl, yeah, I live in Colorado, lots of people excited about the game, I found this interesting too: "$5m (£3.45m) for a single 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl 50 broadcast.", this definitely gives me some perspective on money.


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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby aliassmith » Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:31 am

laksh wrote:
salezyakuku wrote:
laksh wrote:Ultimate goal is to reach 1M from 5K (£3.2K).

"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." - L.B.

I'm counting on success story. \:D/

Thanks salezyakuku. Nice quote.

Its been awhile. Did you blow up your account?
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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby laksh » Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:48 pm

aliassmith wrote:
Its been awhile. Did you blow up your account?

Hi aliassmith,

Still surviving!! Couple of posts I made to this thread some weeks ago did not go through, so I lost interest in updating the thread.

I reached 5 way points... but to be totally honest, I am not satisfied with the pace of my progress/account growth. So to aid my trading, I am studying a bit about Neuro Science and started practicing meditation to see if it will be of some help to become a better person and a super trader like MightyOne/TheRumpledOne/You/Dragon33 etc. It seems everything we truly want to achieve is on the other side of fear.

I have come across your horse thread the day before yesterday... there are some trading gems in that thread. Thank you.

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby salezyakuku » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:09 pm

laksh wrote:Ultimate goal is to reach 1M from 5K (£3.2K).
1 Year targets: 16 way points (Bronze Medal); Adding two zeros (Silver Medal); Reaching 1M (Gold Medal).

5 targets in 2 months. Left 25 in 10 months.

You are going to get Gold Medal and you are not satisfied?
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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby aliassmith » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:33 pm

laksh wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
Its been awhile. Did you blow up your account?

Hi aliassmith,

Still surviving!! Couple of posts I made to this thread some weeks ago did not go through, so I lost interest in updating the thread.

I reached 5 way points... but to be totally honest, I am not satisfied with the pace of my progress/account growth. So to aid my trading, I am studying a bit about Neuro Science and started practicing meditation to see if it will be of some help to become a better person and a super trader like MightyOne/TheRumpledOne/You/Dragon33 etc. It seems everything we truly want to achieve is on the other side of fear.

I have come across your horse thread the day before yesterday... there are some trading gems in that thread. Thank you.


Tripled your account in 2 months, there is probably nothing to improve. :mrgreen:

I think I would be inclined to take my seed money out of the account and continue the journey with that OPM. In case something unforeseen happens.
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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby MightyOne » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:10 pm

A third of the way to his dream and he is crying about how long it is taking!

Most people will not make it one step in the direction of success; look back, you stand alone Laksh, you are already great.

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby laksh » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:12 pm

salezyakuku wrote:
laksh wrote:Ultimate goal is to reach 1M from 5K (£3.2K).
1 Year targets: 16 way points (Bronze Medal); Adding two zeros (Silver Medal); Reaching 1M (Gold Medal).

5 targets in 2 months. Left 25 in 10 months.

You are going to get Gold Medal and you are not satisfied?

Hi salezyakuku,

Thank you for your post.

I have been counting weeks, and its been 11 weeks since the start of this project.

Considering delays that may arise due to psychological battles with lot sizes from 18th to 20th way point onward, my sub goals are something like targeting one way point a week or 1.5 weeks until 15th way point.

Missing these sub goals is the reason why I am not 100% satisfied with my project progress and see a great room for improvement.

I am content in life irrespective of outcomes though :wink:

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby laksh » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:14 pm

aliassmith wrote:
I think I would be inclined to take my seed money out of the account and continue the journey with that OPM. In case something unforeseen happens.

Thanks aliassmith.

My broker is UK FCA authorized and got a maximum protection of £50000. I work in a full time job and banks in UK offer a savings interest rate of <= 1% APR. I will keep seed money for now and take it after reaching 15th way point.

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby laksh » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:17 pm

MightyOne wrote:A third of the way to his dream and he is crying about how long it is taking!

Thank you MightyOne.

Your space management ideas are a game changer for me. Implementing these ideas is what leading me from trading darkness to LIGHT.

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Re: Space Traveller :-)

Postby aliassmith » Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:39 pm

laksh wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
I think I would be inclined to take my seed money out of the account and continue the journey with that OPM. In case something unforeseen happens.

Thanks aliassmith.

My broker is UK FCA authorized and got a maximum protection of £50000. I work in a full time job and banks in UK offer a savings interest rate of <= 1% APR. I will keep seed money for now and take it after reaching 15th way point.

I was more referring to black swans in the market or your trading plan. >Think swiss franc<
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