Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

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Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:47 pm

“Find the game where you can win, and then commit your life to playing it; and play to win.”

— Robert Kiyosaki

So here we are.

I have been mulling over the idea of opening a new thread for a while, encouraged by those who should know better, lol.

One of the reasons I have resisted so far, is that I felt like it was just as easy contributing to others' ventures in FX-Land - and tbh, I wasn't really doing anything that wouldn't fit into another thread just as well.

So what's changed?

Well, I am finding that many of the conversations that flow naturally out of those posts and various threads are becoming more and more fractured as they grow, becoming harder to maintain coherence and more importantly deflecting the direction of the hosting threads.

I am beginning to feel like a cuckoo chick. Pushing out the original baby birds. Not something I want at all.

So. It's time to fly the nest.

This doesn't mean that I am going to stop posting as I do. No, that's too enjoyable - and in some cases keeps some threads ticking over. However, this new thread is a place where my friends, old and new, are welcome to come and chew the fat.

Feel free to post ideas, comments on whatever and of course, charts showing whatever you're doing at the moment. Even if you have your own thread, drop in and say hi. Pull up a chair and deal a hand. Pour a brew and smoke what ya' brung.

It also means that I now have a yard to let some new ideas of my own run off the leash. Some of these may come to something, some may not. Point is, it doesn't matter - this is my place, my rules. No need to worry about those rogue ideas sh****** in someone else's flower beds.

Anyway, there ya' go. Those who wanted it, have got it. Hopefully you won't live to regret it :P

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:06 pm

''Hey ho, here we go, we're on the road to never...''

So where to start?

Those who know me and have read my stuff, will know that my main methods are kissing cousins of TRO's Trade-a-Line and Trade-What-You-See concepts, chosen because they followed closely the methodology I used in my former life living with the mountain gorillas in la-la-land.

Nothing I will be putting forward will deviate too far from that path.

Yes, I do trade those same methods every day in some combination, however I have begun to look at a couple of variants (mutations are perhaps a better description) that take their own path.

There are also, admittedly, a couple that I use on a regular basis that till now I have not been able to share, as they contain and are in fact driven by, software that I cannot share as it came with me from my previous parallel universe. Now, however, I have developed versions that can, if not duplicate exactly, at least give a pretty good approximation of these pieces of software and this will be a good home for them, as they don't fit into any existing threads...and that brings us full circle to my comments in my first post as to why it was time to branch out.

Included in these new methods, are those that work on the higher time frames, which I know is something a good number of traders are interested in. Hopefully they will go some way towards filling a gap that was perhaps needing filled.

Don't be expecting to see all sorts of shiny new stuff, never before seen. I will simply be building on my way of constructing a stable of methods out of existing tech in ways that get the job done, in the most hassle-free way I can think of.

Hope that works for y'all.

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby BlindMan » Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:59 am

Looking forward to this =D>

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby Mira » Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:11 am

Oh yes, I feel excited 8)
I was waiting for this moment, LeM!
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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:35 am

Thanks for the welcome, guys. Now as something of an anti-climax, I can't post much of anything just now, as I am having a new boiler fitted and the electricity is going to be in shut-down mode on and off through the day. Not a time to be trading.

Back when I get the chance.

Trade well, all.

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby TheRumpledOne » Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:45 pm


Looking forward to seeing new toys I can play with. Got any cool trucks or guns?


Please do NOT PM me with trading or coding questions, post them in a thread.

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:06 pm

TheRumpledOne wrote:WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!

Looking forward to seeing new toys I can play with. Got any cool trucks or guns?


I live in the UK - you need a license to own a water pistol.

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:28 pm

I've been thinking about where to begin this journey. My usual stuff is already out there and if anyone wants info - everyone knows to just ask. No, I wanted to kick off with something new (or new-ish anyway).

By that, I mean you will have seen all the individual elements before but as I said in my intro, I have been trying to replicate / approximate the kind of methods I once used. Reason being, they were based in the longer time frames.

Thing is, this still ties into my work just now, as in reality, these can be converted quite easily to run on the scalping grounds, so nothing really has to be learned anew.

So to start with I was looking at the H4. This particular doo-dah also runs very nicely on H12 but not always on Daily. Reason being, there is almost by definition, a certain amount of information lag once you get into the Daily. So for now, I'll set that aside. We'll come back to it later with something else.

Ok. The chart and its elements.

H4 (Here AU, which seems to be well suited).

Screenshot 2019-01-31 at 20.52.52 - Edited.png
Screenshot 2019-01-31 at 20.52.52 - Edited.png (51.15 KiB) Viewed 24964 times

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (9 16 52 0)
We include the Tenkan Sen along with the Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B but not Kijun Sen or Chikou Span.
MACD Histogram (5 3 3 0) (In Upper Window)
MACD Histogram (26 12 9 0) (In Lower Window)
EMA 30 (Close 0)

This is a method so devoid of tension and hassle, so supremely laid back, that you'd think it had been taken out of school and raised on a farm by Cheech and Chong.

We can investigate the subtleties involved in the trade management and even best-price entry techniques and how to maximise your return at a later date. For now, the basics are:

The Lower MACD gives directional bias.
The Upper MACD is involved in the trigger. It is the hammer on the gun, if you will. One step removed from ''bang''!

If we were looking for a long entry, we would be looking at the L-MACD to show in the upper half, ideally having just moved into the upper half from the lower.
We then wait until the U-MACD gets over onto the same side too. Now, we don't want to be going in here, what we are looking for is for the U-MACD to drop back down to the lower half and then if / when it turns back up, that's when we look to get in on the action.

Now, I've gone over the MACD stuff first but that's actually not a prerequisite, as each of these listed ''steps'' is of equal importance. Bearing that in mind, we'd then also be looking for price to be above (a) the cloud and (b) the 30 EMA.

We can suffer it being just inside or flirting with the edge but it needs to be giving signs of wanting to leave.

I could begin to talk about the way you can take the angle of the cloud into account. Or price sitting between the EMA and Tenkan Sen and what signal candles we can find in there.

Or how fibs can give you an insight into the invisible lines-in-the-sand we seek to fine tune or give us confidence in our entries.

However, for now, I won't, as that's going to lead us into how we act once we're in a trade and how to stack and...and...and...

We'll get to that. For now, if this is something that may be of interest, maybe chuck the stuff on a spare chart. See what you think.

Some pairs will suit more than others, I've got it on AU here as I know it suits that pair. Just a cursory look back in time will let you know if the one you are looking at has a chance of working out. If not, into the bin with it and find one that does.

Once again, I can 100% guarantee that you will have seen most if not all of these elements used elsewhere before, I make no claim to ownership of any of the techniques here. I have read, studied, been taught and used, so many different techniques that I genuinely couldn't tell you where I first saw or heard about any of them. The point is, nothing here is commercial property and so we are free to use them as we please.

After all, all we are doing here is building a base framework into which we can look to fit our fine tuning born out of the fine work done here on Kreslik already.

A little bit of cross breeding never did anyone any harm, right :P

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby forexjpn » Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:27 am

Hi Lem,
Thanks for starting the thread....always love reading your posts. Really appreciate your generosity and willingness to help.

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Re: Lem's Big Box O' Stuff.

Postby LeMercenaire » Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:12 am

forexjpn wrote:Hi Lem,
Thanks for starting the thread....always love reading your posts. Really appreciate your generosity and willingness to help.

Thanks. Glad to hear it and appreciate the kind words.

Anything you fancy getting into, just drop me a line.

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